Free Primer Article on Transcreation by Nina Sattler-Hovdar


This article on “Translators hired as Copywriters” holds a special place in my archive of treasures in that, to my knowledge, it was the first article ever written on the symbiosis of translation and copywriting, and is still as valid today as it was back in 2007, when it was first published.

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Free Primer Article on Transcreation

This article on “Translators hired as Copywriters” holds a special place in my archive of treasures in that, to my knowledge, it was the first article ever written on the symbiosis of translation and copywriting.

You will note that back then, I didn’t refer to this service as “transcreation”. I defined the work as a combination of translation and copywriting expertise, and that is the definition I still use today.

This article was written by me after I had delivered a very successful presentation on “Translators Hired as Copywriters” at the ATA Annual Conference in New Orleans in October 2006. Yes, 2006! The article was then published in the ATA Chronicle — the American Translator’s Association monthly publication — in February 2007 (!).

While you might think that “wow, 2007, that’s really old”, you may be surprised how valid all I say in that article is still today. It just goes to show that the key aspects of this kind of work haven’t changed, and will not change, despite advances in AI. The tools we use have changed and will change even more, but the underlying principles won’t.

The article is free for you to download if you are interested.

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